Tuesday, January 22, 2013

His Mighty Power

When you can’t write or sing or run.  When you can’t clean or cook or cook and clean.  When you can’t be together.  When you can’t lift a fist to morning.  When you can’t slow down enough to hear your thoughts.  When how you are is “good”.

“Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” (Ephesians 6:10)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Twenty Twelve

For some reason I didn’t give much thought to the fact that yesterday was the last day of the year.  Maybe it’s because once you enter the working world, New Year’s Eve feels pretty much just like any other Saturday night.  I did, however, start yesterday, December 31, 2012, by Instagram-ing the following picture and accompanying caption:

At the time, it was just another beautiful sunrise over Mt. Washington and an obvious choice for a witty remark.

But as the rhythms of closing out a year played on around me, I felt the Lord tell me that I really do need to do some “telling”.

“I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us, and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his compassion, according to the abundance of his steadfast love.” (Isaiah 63:7)

And so I want to proclaim some of what the Lord has done this year.  Some of what He has taught me.  Some of the places He has taken me.  Some of the blessings He has given me.

Granted, each of the 365 days of this year was a gift, so this list is not nearly comprehensive.  But let us give Him praise! 

In 2012, the Lord…

Strengthened my relationships with Thomas, MK, and Pete despite the four of us being the furthest we’ve ever been from each other (physically).  He allowed us to text, ask advice, laugh, fight, and be an encouragement to one another.

Gave me wonderfully valuable time with the “Oxygenites”—my first and enduring community of brothers and sisters in Christ.

Taught me, through experience, more than I ever knew about spiritual warfare.  He helped me learn how to equip myself with the armor of God.  I learned how to truly FIGHT through my emotions and circumstances and stand on the truth of God’s word.

Led me through a difficult season of anxiety, depression, and a general feeling that I had lost myself and had no control over my emotions and reactions.  He brought me wise counsel, gracious friends and family, and freed me to accept God’s sovereign control over my life.  (I am still learning how to give Him that control each day.)

Cultivated in me a deep love for Scripture.  Most days now I long to read His Word!

Provided me with my first full-time, big-girl job with a salary.

Through a string of summer weddings and God’s grace, allowed me to see my family a lot.  Gave me new appreciation for the relationships that will always be there, and taught me about treasuring the short times I get with them.

Let me move back to the city (complete with a Pittsburgh mailing address) after a nine-month stint in Sewickley.  I fell in love all over again with the skyline, narrow streets with lots of people, and 376 East and West.

Gave me precious time with both sets of my grandparents.  Helped me realize how incredibly blessed I am to have generations of family members who value teaching their kids how to serve the Lord.

Gave me the opportunity to be a bridesmaid two times over!  Blessed me with rich, long-lasting friendships and so many earthly symbols of His commitment to us.

Opened my eyes to more of the spiritual realities around me, largely in part from writing in my new blog.

Brought me new and unexpected friendships with people of different ages, backgrounds, and life stages and encouraged my soul through each one of them.

Let me go on some dates; taught me new things about myself and how to like myself more.  Gave me the privilege of being served.

Provided me humbling opportunities to lead others in worship—puhhhhrayyyyze HIM!

Gave me new appreciation for His creation and sunlight by allowing me to fall in like with running (wouldn’t quite call it “falling in love”). 

All glory and honor to Him in 2012, 2013, and forever!  I am so thankful :)