Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The concept of starting a blog is much less intimidating until you're staring at that blinking cursor, trying to fill in the white box with words that people will actually want to read...which is exactly what I'm doing now.  So consider me intimidated.  What is it about knowing that these sentences will be cast in to the open world of cyberspace (where DO they go??) that makes writing all of the sudden so nerve-wracking?

The truth is, I'm not really trying to amass dozens of readers to my blog.  I also realize that I'm a bit behind on the blogging game (although I would like to think I was one of the original bloggers...Xanga, anyone?).  But here I am.  And my intentions, simply, are to share and to shine light.

God has been so good to me in helping me to understand.  Over the last couple of years I have started writing down revelations about things around me that I can only attribute to being from the Lord, and now it's time to testify.  I will post my revelations here--some new, some old.

In this moment, I, baby blogger, am humbled.  Humbled by feeling "exposed" in this writing.  Humbled in knowing that I am a terribly broken soul in progress, despite any indication this blog may give otherwise.  And humbled by the grace that has been extended to me in the form of understanding.  All glory to God!  

1 comment:

  1. yay! Blogger!! I miss you! Let's hang out soon.
